Econ 295 Web Links


Papers to download and read

  1. Here’s a reading list for the Economics of Higher Education.
  2. An article from the Fiscal Times about the net benefits of attending college.
  3. A nicely written piece on the Sheepskin Effect, which is related to the screening, or signaling, hypothesis–an alternative to the human capital theory.
  4. A paper about the Association of American Universities – a very powerful private organization.
  5. Who does UNM think are its peers?  Check out the list on UNM’s Office of Institutional Analytics website.


Here are some links to articles I’ve found while teaching this course. Some are timely and only relevant to the current situation, others are perennials and are universally relevant.

3/1/16 – A Washington Post article about the problems facing UC Berkeley.

2/18/16 – Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders wants public colleges to be free.

2/9/16 – What you’ll learn watching the movie “Ivory Tower”

2/1/16 – An article with nice interactive graphics about alternative revenue sources for state universities

1/28/16 – A commentary from Wired magazine (on the web)