
For me, scholarship (academic study or achievement, learning of a high level–Oxford English dictionary) is both research and teaching. There is little value in knowledge or understanding unless you can communicate and share it. Education is about learning something yourself, and then teaching it to someone else. I am a scholar, not just because I have a PhD and know a lot of things, but because I am interested in sharing knowledge and helping others to see and understand the world better.

I teach an online course called Economics 212 – Personal Investing.

As a researcher, I have written papers in the areas of education and investments in human capital, measuring willingness to pay for environmental and other non-market goods, including risk reduction, the value of water rights in the arid Southwest, and hazard mitigation.

I have become an administrator in recent years. I directed UNM’s Combined BA/MD Program, a land-mark program to take under-represented students through a rigorous pre-med curriculum to successful graduation from medical school. I held, or currently hold, positions as Chair of the Economics Department, Associate Dean for Research, Associate Dean for Faculty and Senior Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences at UNM.

Throughout my academic career, I have remained a scholar. I have also applied my scholarship in the legal world by being an expert witness.

Here’s a link to my latest research paper:
Hedonic damage testimony in New Mexico, May 2015.

Other selected research papers:
Disaster Resilience, 2013.
The Economic Impact of Weather Forecasts, 2007.
Analysis of Terrorist Threat Communications, 2004.
Analysis of the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship, 2001.

FAQ about the Voluntary Employee Retirement Benefit (VEBA) fund established by UNM to address the issue of unfunded liabilities for retiree benefits, 2013.
An analysis of an alternative tax system called a Transaction Tax, 2013.
(I previously co-authored a paper on a Flat Tax alternative.)
Destination Marketing for the City of Albuquerque, 2008.
A Real Estate Transfer Tax for the City of Santa Fe, 2007.
The Economic Cost of Teenage Pregnancy in New Mexico, 2006.